Friday, August 20, 2010

Back in Business Baby!

It seems like a thousand years since I wrote on the blog and I have missed sitting in front of the square screen writing and releasing thoughts and ideas. I wrote a few times along the way and posted them earlier when I discovered a secret agent way to access my blog (and facebook) here in Ching chong Super China. I am currently in Kangding which is about 10 hours east of Chengdu (which has a population of about 13 million people!) Kangding in comparison has about 30 000 which is super! It is also located in the mountains and is the beginning of my exposure to Tibetan people which is exciting...on my arrival I was unable to stay in the hostel i wanted to due to a landslide complicating exits and entrances to Kangding from Chengdu so i stayed in a Motel (offically registered for foreigners to stay in) There were no people there so I had a 3 bed dorm all to my self for 30 yuan a night...happy was I. And i could wander up the hill to the hostel for social interaction. I was lucky cause on the day I arrived there were many very nice people. John, a melbourner, took me under his wing and took me to a nice restaurant for dinner, then the next morning took me to a local Tibetan Monastary to observe the beginning of a seven day celebration to commemorate the coming of Buddhism to Tibet. We spent over an hour listening to the prayers which was so hypnotic and without intending to get into a meditative state one is drawn to a higher consciousness purely because the chanting and singing and random instrumental bursts evoke a state of delirium and bliss that had me feeling like a little kid filled with love love love. One of my observations that made me even happier was that the monks were only human. I say this because during the prayers there were some young guys yawning and pulling faces, i saw one guy stick his tongue at another one who then laughed and pulled a face back at him. I saw some of the guys wriggling and trying to make themselves more comfortable, some looked as if sleep was drawing nearer and nearer and then they would spring back into life because the clang of the cymbals invoked a waking state once more. And after the prayers there was a general consensus of being glad to be done with the prayers. I mean i'm sure they were happily doing it as anyone would happily do their job, and that's what being a monk is, a job! their job is to pray and hold religious ceremonies and know about the scriptures whereas my job at school was to look after munchkins or teach English....anyway the session was wicked. Afterwards they prepared for the dancing and then they danced in pretty dresses to the music made by monks blowing into super long horns, drums and bells. I felt honoured to be there amongst the people who were there for more traditional reasons. The Tibetans in my oppinion are very beautiful, like the Mongolians but different. They are generally taller and once again, some of the men are HOT HOT HOT! The women too are beautiful. And i have observed that the men are more forward than the chinese men with their female radars have been on alert more often with stares from tall handsome dark tibetan cowboys....i'm told this only gets more and more the further west I go so...more on that. I don't have any intentions of finding a husband here though but window shopping is always accessible(with caution).

After the Monastery i went and extended my Chinese visa because i want to be able to take my time on the way to Laos. the police man was so nice and kind and friendly and now i have an extra month in China....yippee! The rain then came and I went to the hostel to befriend anyone willing to chat with me. Kangding i must tell you is in the mountains and is so beautiful. There are constantly clouds hovering above the trees and cluttering around the pinnacle of the surrounding hills. there is the sound of flowing water constantly gracing my ears as the river rushes below us like a wild stream that would be filled with white water rafters.

I met some really lovely lovely love people that evening, there were 5 Israeli traveller's and a couple of Beautiful Spanish men with whom I spent the evening with laughing and sharing stories with. We as a group had a good rapport and I was grateful for the simple fun of sitting and chatting and sharing. I found the two Spaniards very attractive (not sexually but humanly) and yesterday I spent the morning with one of them visiting another temple, meditating, laughing and chatting, we had a really great chemistry and I felt like he was an old old friend, their departure was sad and beautiful...a big long bear hug and a mutual understanding of having shared a beautiful 15 hours in each others worlds at this crossroad in our journeys. I hope our paths will cross again one day. Travelling exposes one to many people and some just hit the spot immediately, others there is nothing and some can also infuriate you within seconds...ha ha!

Now I am at the hostel and there are many new people but my desire is to zone with my book and drink my tea. I went for a nice walk up a hill this morning with one of the lovely ladies working here and the views were stunning. I'll stay here a day more and enjoy the clean showers and toilets before i start my journey into the Tibetan "wild west" and then south towards Shangri-la.

I am well and happy and my heart is bursting with so much love and lust for life. I have had time to reflect on my last few months and years and I my heart has such a great spot for Norway and all the friends and loved ones I have left. I miss Aleksander very much and his company I often would like to have on the journey to share certain moments. I also remember the people whom I spent my time with both at work and socially and smile deeply inside because I feel so lucky and blessed to have been accepted and loved by so many beautiful people...I still know that I am moving in the right direction and that my departure was necessary without a doubt. I need this period of time to grow and further develop and expand. Birralee gave me a farewell present which I wear everyday, a chain with an open heart, Trude said that all the loved ones that i was leaving behind are around the heart travelling with me where ever i go and that as i move I will meet people of whom i can place in the heart and they too will be with me henceforth and I really feel the love of all with me when i fondle my heart around my neck.

And now back to Genghis and his world take over.

love love love and more love!

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